03 oktober 2024 Statistik
📈 Comparing September to the same month last year, we've seen an 8.4% increase in assignments. In other words, we’ve been seeing positive numbers since I since my June update – definitely a positive trend. However, the number of available consultants has also risen noticeably and is now higher than both September 2023 and last month. Over the past month, we’ve noticed a sligh[...]
16 september 2024 Gästblogg
Den 13 september 2024 samlades några av Sveriges mest framstående personer och företag inom techbranschen på VENUE81 i Stockholm för den efterlängtade galan Developers Day 2024. Kvällen präglades av glädje, inspiration och firande av innovation, mångfald och framgång på den svenska tech-marknaden. Under eventet, som är ett årligt firande av utvecklare och företag inom IT och[...]
04 september 2024 Statistik
In August, we saw a nearly 5% increase in published assignments compared to the same month last year. Previously, we observed a rise in demand for project managers, which often precedes growth in other roles. This month, as expected, we saw an uptick in demand for system developers and various roles within "Data X" – including data engineers, data scientists, data analysts, [...]
28 augusti 2024 Gästblogg
Brainville kan nu, som stolt möjliggörare av Developers Day 2024 (arrangeras av Developers Bay), avslöja finalisterna! 🎉 Årets Techledare ! 🎉 Utmärkelsen går till en ledare som kan balansera teknisk expertis med affärsmannaskap och behärskar såväl kund- medarbetar- och verksamhetsperspektivet. Personens ledarskap utvecklar verksamheten framåt med engagerade medarbetare [...]
26 augusti 2024 Blogg
Over 25,000 companies now use Brainville – from freelancers and consulting firms to consultant brokers and buyers of consulting services. We remember celebrating every hundred sign-ups and could hardly dream of reaching this point. We’re deeply grateful to everyone who has registered. 🙏 Most of the companies on Brainville are from Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, but w[...]
21 augusti 2024 Statistik
The number of available freelancers and consultants increased in the first quarter, reaching an all time high in March. But that trend was reversed in the second quarter and by the half-year mark the number had dropped below the level at the start of the year. A positive sign, not least when considering that the Brainville platform kept growing at an even faster pace during t[...]
20 augusti 2024 Statistik
The number of assignments on offer increased in the first half of 2024 - only slightly compared to the corresponding period last year but significantly in relation to the previous six months. Discover more insights about this and more promising signs in our H1 2024 report! https://bit.ly/BS_H1_2024 (Direct download) Explore even more data with Brainville Statistics: https://s[...]
13 augusti 2024 Statistik
The first half of 2024 showed promising signs for freelancers and consultants. Job postings were up with demand growing in the larger metropolitan areas. Increased opportunities for project managers is another indication of better times ahead. Discover more insights in our H1 2024 report! Direct download   Explore even more data with Brainville Statistics !
08 augusti 2024 Statistik
July 2024 showed promising trends in the freelance and consulting market. We saw a slight increase in assignments compared to July 2023. While the number of assigned consultants dropped from June to July, it remains significantly higher than in June 2023, reflecting more available freelancers and consultants. Roles such as system developers, integrators, test automators, UX c[...]
05 augusti 2024 Gästblogg
Den 13/9 koras vinnarna bland några av de mest framstående tech-profilerna i Sverige! 🏆 Developers Day är en galakväll som erbjuder möjlighet att mingla med toppkompetenser, utbyta idéer och få insikter om framtida trender inom tech-branschen. Sitt till bords med spännande experter, innovatörer och techledare - få värdefulla kontakter som kan landa i nya spännande möjlighete[...]
01 juli 2024 Statistik
In June, as expected, the volume of assignments decreased slightly. However, compared to last June, we see a positive trend: an increase of nearly 3%. The number of freelancers and consultants indicating their availability for new assignments decreased by about 7.9% compared to May. But looking back to last year, there's a less favorable number – an increase of approximately[...]
12 juni 2024 Statistik
In May, we experienced a slight setback in assignments in the Nordics, with a -6.1 % decrease compared to April. Normally, May is the last peak before summer, but that wasn't the case this year. However, the number of published assignments increased significantly in April, which was unusual for that time of year. In this context, a small decline in May seems more reasonable.[...]
20 maj 2024 Gästblogg
13 september Stockholm – skottårsupplaga! Developers Day  är en unik gala som äger rum för andra gången i Sverige och syftar till att hylla utvecklare och techprofiler som är hjältar inom tech-industrin. Denna galakväll på VENUE 81 kommer att fira och uppmärksamma dessa yrkesgrupper som ofta jobbar i det tysta för att skapa fantastiska tekniska lösningar och innovativa pro[...]
07 maj 2024 Gästblogg
Idag firar vi Egenanställdas Dag på Gamla Brogatan 13 i centrala Stockholm. Vi har öppet hus mellan klockan 15.00-19.00 och bjuder på gott fika och aktiviteter, bland annat en spännande spökvandring! Detta är ett initiativ av Rådet för Egenanställda. Hoppas vi ses idag!  Det här är en gästartikel från vår partner Frilans Finans .
06 maj 2024 Statistik
Job postings increased by an impressive +13.4% in April compared to March! This unusual and intriguing observation prompts us to reflect on market changes. Since we began analyzing our statistics in 2017, we've observed a consistent pattern: a peak in March, followed by a decline in April. However, this year, we've noticed a clear deviation from this pattern. Instead, we saw[...]
03 maj 2024 Gästblogg
Upgraded People AB fortsätter sin starka tillväxtresa från 2023 och omsättningen för första kvartalet 2024 uppgick till  410,5  Msek att jämföra med 229,0 Msek för första kvartalet 2023. Det innebär en tillväxt om hela 79,3 %. Nya affärer och uppdrag Vi har under årets första kvartal vunnit flera spännande upphandlingar och tilldelats många nya uppdrag inom såväl offentlig[...]
18 april 2024 Gästblogg
Upgraded People AB tecknar ramavtal med Post och Telestyrelsen (PTS) till ett uppskattat värde om 150 MSEK. Ramavtalet sträcker sig över fyra år och inkluderar ett brett spektrum av kompetenser. PTS sorterar under Finansdepartementet. Vi är både glada och stolta över att ha blivit utvalda av Post och Telestyrelsen. Det känns speciellt viktigt, att i dagens geopolitiska kli[...]
16 april 2024 Statistik
We've observed a noteworthy shift in consulting rates over the past year. Hourly rates have seen a decline, with buyers' prices dropping even more significantly than sellers'. In Brainville, we keep track of the initial hourly rates offered by buyers of consulting services and the hourly rates on applications from suppliers. The former decreased with 2.3 % and the latter wi[...]
12 april 2024 Statistik
We always keep an eye out for project manager assignments. Why? They tend to indicate future changes in the market. Comparing to the first quarter of 2023, we dare say the market might be improving. In the first quarter of 2024, project manager assignments increased with 15.1 % compared to Q1 2023. Download our report on Q1 2024, no hassle, no required e-mail: https://bit.l[...]
11 april 2024 Statistik
"We tend to see a rising number, up to and including March. This year was different with the peak already in January. But it’s important to note that we only see a very small decline in the quarter as a whole compared to the first quarter of 2023" -   Manuel de Verdier , CEO   Brainville - Frilansare | Konsulter Read more in our latest report. Download it here, no hassle, n[...]
16 oktober 2023