A Buyer's Market - Brainville Statistics Q1 2024
A buyer’s market. That was the overall story in the first quarter of 2024. Even so, there were cautiously hopeful signs of an upward shift in the market for consultants and freelancers.
In the first quarter of 2024, the freelancing and consulting market faced its challenges, with a slight decrease in assignments and a dip in prices. However, amidst the gloom, there are rays of hope shining through.
The expectations for the Swedish Riksbank's planned reduction of the repo rate in May or June are promising. Inflation is slightly above the 2% target, but the latest figures show a stabilization at lower levels. These are positive general indicators, but what about the freelance and consulting industry?
Assignments within the IT sector are increasing for the first time in a while, and the downward trend in assignments in major cities has been broken. Additionally, the demand for project managers is higher than during the same period last year, indicating a potential turnaround in the market.
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