Kallmyra System & Produktion AB

1 employee

I am a tech guy that has worked all the way through the business. I have both project/process management and architectural skills. I have been using he internet since 1985. That should tell you something of who I am.

Seamless, Netzon, Landstinget Sörmland, Mr Green, Folksam, Business Impact Technology Solutions, CNT, K-World, Bonnier Online, Hagströmer & Qviberg, Ericsson, Cap Gemini, ABB are some companies I have been working with.

Specialties: Storage, Security, IT Infrastructure projects, ITIL

I have been working with ITIL the last five years both as a user and an expert.

I am now available for new suggestions.

I'm not available for new assignments at the moment
1 employee

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