Find your newcoworker here
Brainville is a hot spot for experts in a number of industries in the Nordics - and it isn't just freelancers and consultants. A lot of our users are open to permanent positions.
How it works
Candidates show their profile
Individuals, umbrella contractors and self-employed freelancers looking for permanent positions share their profiles in Brainville. The profiles are not anonymous.
Employers search for candidates
Employers search for matching profiles and find their dream coworker. They contact the candidate.
You seal the deal
If the candidate agrees to the match you take the next step together - without Brainville interfering.
Can't find a suitable candidate?
Well, why not get a freelancer or consultant instead? There are thousands of them here, Sometimes it's more important to get the job done than to get a new employee.
Recruitment is included in Premium Buyer. Check out more features and pricing.