
+ Föreslå kategori
An integration architect designs and oversees the implementation of complex integration solutions to enable seamless communication and data flow across disparate systems and applications within an organization. They develop integration strategies, define architecture patterns, and select appropriate technologies to ensure scalability, reliability, and security. Integration architects possess strong technical expertise in integration technologies and platforms, along with excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. They collaborate closely with stakeholders to align integration initiatives with business objectives and ensure that architectural standards and best practices are followed throughout the integration process.
Integration Architect
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Marknadsandelen uppdrag inom IT & Telekom i Norden i Brainville som efterfrågade rollen Integration architect.
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Uppdrag i Norden i Brainville som efterfrågade rollen Integration architect under perioden Jul 2023 till Dec 2023.
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Region # Uppdrag # Annonserande organisationer Marknadsandel *
21 15 0,6%
5 4 11,4%
5 3 0,5%
4 2 3,1%
3 2 0,4%
3 2 0,8%
2 2 0,3%
2 2 4,7%
1 1 1,0%
1 1 0,1%
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