Azure Kubernetes Development (AKS)Az
IT & Telecom
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<div><div>Till en av våra prioriterade kunder inom finans söker vi nu en konsult som är skicklig inom Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) </div><div>Se detaljer nedan. </div><div><strong>Beskrivning</strong></div><div>We are planning to enable new capability AKS in Azure. There is already a small team in place however there is a need to increase the capacity of the team with additional consultants who has the <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em>good knowledge and experience of AZURE and specifically AKS.</em></span></div></div><div><div><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Kompetenskrav</strong></span></div><div>- AKS competence<br />- Azure Infrastructure competence<br />- Bicep competence<br />- Kubernetes competence<br />- Managed Identity/Workload Identity competence<br />- CI/CD competence<br />- Bonus: development competence<br /><br /></div></div><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Omfattning:</strong></span> 100%, <br />2025-02-17 -- 2025-11-30.<br /><br />Du utför uppdraget i kundens lokaler i Stockholm 3 dgr / v.</p><p>Vi ser fram emot att du hör av dig med en uppdaterad konsultprofil ( i Word) som tydligt visar hur du matchar kompetenskraven i förfrågan. Vi behöver din profil senast 21 jan. </p>
Stockholm, Stockholms län
Date and extent
Start immediately
10 months