Annmis and Nezza
21 - 50 employees
Network of 35 recruiters working together to bring results within 2 working days
Our specialty is a high-speed delivery of qualified candidates. Until now we helped more than 100 technical, fin-tech and IT start-ups during the last 9 years.
The idea behind our approach is that recruitment is a team effort so every client gets dedicated recruiter who works together with them on delivering the best talents available on the market
Our specialty is in our CBI approach (competency-based interview approach and star technique) while interviewing candidates, and providing technical screenings available for premium retained clients
The idea behind our approach is that recruitment is a team effort so every client gets dedicated recruiter who works together with them on delivering the best talents available on the market
Our specialty is in our CBI approach (competency-based interview approach and star technique) while interviewing candidates, and providing technical screenings available for premium retained clients
No available consultants at the moment
Competence areas
21 - 50 employees
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